The revolution that has taken place from the AI and robotics transformation has undoubtedly overwhelmed the Sci-Fi tales. Where Artificial intelligence has marked its significance in every field and area, healthcare is no exception. The Healthcare industry is greatly influenced by artificial intelligence and robotics in the on-going era. It has changed the way of the healthcare industry.
Here are some of the means AI is transforming the healthcare sector.
Fast and Accurate Diagnosis
Artificial intelligence is helping all of the major tech industries to bring a revolutionary change in the field. AI combined with robotics technology allows the healthcare sector to open up significant amounts of health data and fast diagnosis. Google’s Deepmind Health and IBM’s Watson are two big names here.
Google’s DeepMind Health is an AI-based software used by healthcare organizations to improve patients’ treatment standards. This health program advises the doctor about a patient’s health. The program can also assist doctors in diagnosis. It combines massive data for comparable symptoms, matches them with the patient’s symptoms, and finds the results. This is how doctors can collect patient symptoms and feed that into the deep mind platform to quickly diagnose.
Hospitals are using this program in combination with researches and observations to solve real-world healthcare concerns. Similarly, IBM’s Watson can review and store massive medical data and information, including every medical researches and journal, symptoms, and case studies of treatment and responses, accurately and efficiently.
Improved Decision Making of Medical Professionals
An improved healthcare system means the right alignment of big health data and quick decision making. It helps identify patients at risk of developing a condition or at a decline due to lifestyle, environmental, genomic, and other factors.
Treatment is another area where artificial intelligence is beginning to take hold. AI is revolutionizing to help doctors coordinate to provide better care plans. In addition to scanning health records and analyzing patients’ data, AI can help healthcare providers take a comprehensive approach to healthcare and disease management and help patients better manage and comply with their long-term treatment programs.
Robots have been used in medicine for several years. They can appear in simple laboratory robots and highly complex surgical robots that can either aid a human surgeon or perform surgeries by themselves. Other than surgery, medical bots are used in hospitals and labs for performing repetitive tasks, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and to support those with long-term medical conditions.
End of Life Care
As compared to previous times, medical science has made it possible for humans to cure ailments and lengthen the life span. Therefore, this generation is living longer than the previous ones. However, the end of life is slower and different from a normal healthy life. Patients from life-threatening ailments like heart failure, dementia, kidney failure, and osteoporosis suffer from illnesses that make life difficult in several ways.
Today, robots can revolutionize this phase o life by improving end of life care. It helps people remain independent with a reduced need for nursing and home-care. AI-induced advanced robots can go even further to have social interactions with patients to keep them engaged.
AI combined training programs can offer training in a way that a simple computer-driven algorithm or a human cannot. A human trainer can have years of personal experience but not extensive databases of scenarios and thousands of stored medical books. An AI training bot or program can speak like a human being and respond to queries from attendees.
The intelligent training program can learn from previous responses and continually improve to meet the training needs. More to this, AI trainer bots can be used anywhere on any small and large size screen.
Virtual Personal Health Assistants
Amid the transformation of Artificial intelligence, virtual healthcare assistants are popular. In fact, there are several mobile app development companies that have developed mobile apps for healthcare assistance. More to this, healthcare wearables and gadgets help in keeping track of heart rate, blood pressure, and a balanced diet.
On top of this, virtual healthcare assistants can set appointments with a doctor and remind them before time. The use of smartwatches and other healthcare wearables also helps doctors keenly analyze the patients’ health and diagnose heart disease.
These assistants can also provide quick answers when the doctor is not immediately available. Healthcare bots can be accessed via the internet and ask patients about their medical history, allergies, and medical concerns, and offer immediate and appropriate medical advice. Healthcare bots can also help doctors minimize administrative and billing tasks so that they can focus better on patients’ medical care.

Health Coaching
AI health coaches can help people with chronic illness by offering virtual health coaching. Patients with chronic ailments and those suffering from long-term conditions can find the needed assistance. A virtual AI coach monitors and analyze statistics and behaviors and provide accurate dietary and medical advice based on health data.
Advanced technology has had a profound influence on the healthcare industry. AI and robotics are bringing transformation in this industry at a global level. Artificial intelligence is facilitating medical professionals in streamlining service delivery to patients. AI technology in the healthcare sector is benefiting doctors and patients in several ways.